Basic crafting materials

These orbs drops from any creature in the world (as personal loot). Creatures 3 levels below you have drastically reduced drop chances, creatures 5 level below you cannot drop these orbs.

Transmutation Orb “Transforms a common item to an uncommon item, adding 1-2 modifiers”

Augmentation Orb “Augments an uncommon item with 1 additional modifier”

Alteration Orb “Reforges an uncommon item with new modifiers”

Regal Orb “Transforms an uncommon into a rare item, adding 1 modifier”

Alchemy Orb “Transforms a common item to a rare item, adding 3-5 modifiers”

Exalted Orb “Augments a rare item with 1 additional modifier”

Divine Orb “Randomizes the modifier values of an item”

Chaos Orb “Reforges a rare item with new modifiers”

Scouring Orb “Removes all modifiers from an item”

Orb of Annulment “Removes a random modifier from an item”