Since Project Chaos allows for up to 102 modifiers at once (6 affixes * 17 equipment slots), we have to increase the rating:percent
ratio. Below is a table that describes every combat rating’s requirements:
Stat | Rating per % | Blizz-like Rating per % |
Expertise | 40 | 32.79 |
Hit | 40 | 32.79 |
Crit | 55 | 45.91 |
Haste | 40 | 32.79 |
Armor Penetration | 20 | 13.99 |
+1 Defense Skill | 7 | 4.92 |
1% miss/dodge/parry/block | 40 | 30.75 |
1% miss/dodge/parry | 50 | 41 |
Dodge | 55 | 45.25 |
Parry | 55 | 45.25 |
Block | 22 | 16.39 |